Scribes of Angel is open again!!

Gone but not forgotten!

It was a sad day for us all when Scribes of Angel went down. End of an era, we thought. But it seems you can't keep a good story down, and the fans fought to get it back in whatever form we could give – and, with thanks to Mike's magic, here it is. Risen from the grave, much like Angel himself, when you think about it. It would make a great story, wouldn't it?
~ Dark Star

Update September 2020: Good news - the full Scribes fiction archive is back online as an A-Z list! We had to do a lot of automated conversion to over 900 documents to make this happen, so please let us know if you encounter any bugs! Otherwise - hope you enjoy it! ~Mike

| Fiction Archive |

It is with much sadness that I have made the decision to close Scribes of Angel after a very happy sixteen years. This was prompted by updates on our Hosting account that meant our coding is no longer compatible with the system. Unfortunately, neither Mike or I have the time to make the massive alterations needed to make the site workable, especially as our readership has been steadily declining lately.

I would like to thank all of you for your support over the years. I couldn't have done it without the hundreds of stories so generously donated to the archives, and it would have been pointless without the readers who have loved every single one of them. Thank you also to Mike, for donating hours of his time over the years, on a fandom that was not his own, to keep Scribes of Angel running just for us.

Scribes has had a huge effect on my life, in ways that I could never have imagined, and I have met some amazing people over the years – many of whom are still friends today. It's incredible to remember that all of that came about because of our mutual love for one flawed and brooding anti-hero.

Feel free to check out my remaining fiction sites! Nowadays my time is being spent on my online shop where I sell my own fun-inspired and quirky jewellery, and links to both can be found below. Who knows? Maybe this will lead to making more friends along the way. I like to think so.

Thank you.

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.

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